
noodle fish Learn more about noodle fish

  • How much is the noodle fish per jin? Is it different from the little silverfish?

    How much is the noodle fish per jin? Is it different from the little silverfish?

    Noodle fish is a small cold-temperate local economic fish, which is popular in the market because of its delicious taste and high nutritional value, but some people do not know whether there is any difference between noodle fish and small silverfish when they buy it. So noodles.

    2020-11-11 Noodles fish price more less money one jin and small silverfish noodles
  • What kind of fish is horse noodle fish with mackerel? Where does it come from? How much is it per jin? What is the nutritional value? Why are you skinning?

    What kind of fish is horse noodle fish with mackerel? Where does it come from? How much is it per jin? What is the nutritional value? Why are you skinning?

    Horse noodle fish, also known as barbecued fish and bread fish, is a kind of nutritious warm bottom fish with high protein content and high nutritional value of fish liver and bone. at present, it is sold in various cans and major markets. where does the horse noodle fish come from?

    2020-11-11 Mackerel shape eye horse noodle fish what is it fish from where general more
  • Entrepreneurial Warrior-- qu Jiyong, the leader of baby fish farming

    Entrepreneurial Warrior-- qu Jiyong, the leader of baby fish farming

    Entrepreneurial Warrior-- qu Jiyong, the leader of baby fish farming

  • Is the "noodle fish" thunderfish a sea fish or a river fish? Is it an irradiated fish? How do you cook it?

    Is the

    Thunder fish is the general name of many kinds of translucent fish of the family Silverfish in Japan. it is a kind of high-protein and low-fat food, which is also suitable for patients with hyperlipidemia. Is it a sea fish or a river fish? Is it an irradiated fish? How do you cook it? According to the data of the silverfish family,

    2020-11-11 Noodle fish thunderfish yes sea fish or river fish isn't it?
  • Bait formula for fishing silver carp

    Bait formula for fishing silver carp

    Bait formula for fishing silver carp

  • At dusk, a bowl of batter in Jiang Mu Li | Pork ribs, firewood, fish and onion soup, accompanied by a plate of radish hot tea to listen to songs.

    At dusk, a bowl of batter in Jiang Mu Li | Pork ribs, firewood, fish and onion soup, accompanied by a plate of radish hot tea to listen to songs.

    At dusk, a bowl of batter in Jiang Mu Li | Pork ribs, firewood, fish and onion soup, accompanied by a plate of radish hot tea to listen to songs.

  • Culture techniques of silverfish (noodle fish)

    Culture techniques of silverfish (noodle fish)

    Silverfish is a kind of translucent fish, which can be cultured in the salt water of the freshwater river. the meat is delicious and is very popular with people. So, today the editor will take you to learn about the culture technology of silverfish! 1. The pond requires silverfish to be cultured first.

    2020-11-11 Silverfish noodles fish aquaculture technology silverfish yes a
  • Fish head bean curd soup with rich noodles

    Fish head bean curd soup with rich noodles

    Cuisine: Sichuan food raw materials: 2 fish heads, 50 grams of shiitake mushrooms and bamboo shoots, 100 grams of tofu. Production process: first deep-fry the fish head; then add a little bean clove, spring onion, ginger and garlic, add the soup to boil and remove the dregs, put in shiitake mushrooms, sliced winter bamboo shoots, tofu, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, cooking wine, fish head cooked, thicken and sprinkle with green garlic.

  • Fish and vegetable rice paste

    Fish and vegetable rice paste

    Raw materials: Rice noodles (or milk cakes), 15-25 grams of fish and vegetables, a little salt. How to make it: soak the rice noodles with water, stir it into a paste, put it into the pot and boil for about 8 minutes; wash the green vegetables and fish, chop the mud into the pot, continue to cook until the fish is done, season and serve. The secret of calcium supplement: fish is rich in calcium, which can not only promote baby's growth, contribute to bone development, but also promote brain development and meet the body's needs for a variety of nutrients.

  • Steamed fish with green bamboo powder

    Steamed fish with green bamboo powder

    Raw material: 1 live fish about 1000 grams cooked spiced rice noodles 100g preparation method: live fish clean cut into pieces and wash. Mix with seasoning, rice noodles and cooked lard, marinate for 5 minutes, put it in a bamboo tube, cover and steam for 30 minutes. Serve.

  • Spicy fish with vermicelli

    Spicy fish with vermicelli

    Raw materials: 200 grams of live carp meat, dried powder skin, green persimmon pepper section, red pepper section. Seasoning: sweet noodle sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, shredded onions, refined salt, cooked lard, sugar color. Practice: live carp meat cut into 3 cm, 1 cm wide thick slices; dry powder skin broken into 3 cm square pieces, soaked in warm water. Put chicken soup, sweet noodle sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, shredded green onion, refined salt, cooked lard, sugar color, green persimmon pepper section, red chilli section and fish into the pot together, bring to a boil over high heat, and then cook over low heat.

  • Mixed shrimp and pasta

    Mixed shrimp and pasta

    Ingredients: (1 serving) 2 fresh shrimps, 1 egg, some Japanese greenhouse cucumber, some bamboo shoots, some Japanese fish fillet, 1 Sapporo miso dough. Practice: 1. Cucumber slices. Eggs cooked, shelled, cut in half lengthwise. Wash shrimp, cook and fish out. Heat a pot of water, add dough and cook for 4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and stir in the complimentary seasoning powder. 2. Place seasoning oil in a large bowl, then pour in noodles and soup, mix well, serve with prawns, cucumber and bamboo shoots

  • Big silverfish

    Big silverfish

    (silverfish) Protosalanxhyalocranius [local name] noodle fish, noodle fish, mud fish. [morphological characteristics] the individual is small, and the body length of the often mailed individual is about 15 cm. He has a slender body. The head is flat up and down. The tip of the kiss is triangular. The lower jaw is longer than the maxilla. The distance from the origin of the dorsal fin to the base of the caudal fin is greater than that to the base of the pectoral fin. Transparent body. There is a row of black pigments on each side of the ventral side. When the male is sexually mature, the anal fin is fan-shaped, with a row of scales at the base, and the pectoral fin is large and pointed. [place of origin, season] is found in both seawater and fresh water.

  • Steamed fish with flour

    Steamed fish with flour

    Cooking category: steamed cuisine: Huizhou food category: fish taste: light suitable season: summer color and fragrance: choice of lotus leaf steaming, fragrance overflowing, fish fat and tender, for summer dishes. It also has the effect of tonifying the middle and tonifying qi, strengthening the spleen and appetizing, and developing the effect of clearing yin. Main ingredients: Huiyu, fried japonica rice noodles, lotus leaf excipients: Shaojiu, soy sauce, bean paste, salt, sugar, spring onions, ginger, sesame oil: 1) clean the fish, remove the fish on both sides and cut it into small pieces.

  • Dry fried yellow croaker

    Dry fried yellow croaker

    Cooking category: fried cuisine: Zhejiang cuisine category: fish taste: salty suitable season: autumn color, fragrance: flavor dishes. The color is golden, the fish is soft and tender, fresh salty and mellow. Main ingredients: net yellow croaker 600g excipients: 1 green onion, 1000 g oil, 50 g cooking wine, 2 g chopped onion, 2 g chopped ginger, 3 g shredded spring onion, 3 g shredded ginger, 3 g garlic, 3 g salt, 10 g monosodium glutamate, 15 g vinegar, 100g eggs, a little noodle, 10 g sesame oil, appropriate amount of soup. System

  • fish with Chinese sauerkraut

    fish with Chinese sauerkraut

    [dish name] pickled cabbage fish [cuisine] northeast dish [characteristics] fresh and refreshing, appetizing and invigorating spleen, sober up and refreshing, delicious soup. [Ingredients] 1 carp (about 1000 grams), 250 grams of aged pickled cabbage. 1 egg white, 40g mixed oil, 1250g soup, 4g refined salt, 3g monosodium glutamate, 4g pepper flour, 15g cooking wine, 25g pickled pepper powder, 10 pepper, 3g ginger slices and 7g garlic cloves. [System]

  • How much is the price of dried silverfish per jin? How do you choose a good one? How long will it last?

    How much is the price of dried silverfish per jin? How do you choose a good one? How long will it last?

    Silverfish, also known as cannon fish, noodle fish, noodle fish, found in salt water and fresh water in East Asia, is regarded as delicious in China, and many foods are eaten in both dry and wet ways, so how much is the price of dried silverfish per jin? How do you choose a good one? How long will it last? 1. Dried silverfish

    2020-11-11 Silverfish dried price more less money one jin how pick okay
  • Four happy fish rolls

    Four happy fish rolls

    [features] gorgeous color, delicate meat, delicious taste and beautiful shape. [raw material] 750 grams of flounder. 30 grams of fat and lean pork, 20 grams of yellow cake, 20 grams of dried mushrooms, 15 grams of ham and 15 grams of vegetables. 5 grams of refined salt, 15 grams of Shao wine, 15 grams of chopped onions, 3 grams of pepper noodles, 50 grams of starch, 10 grams of sesame oil, 100 grams of clear soup, 5 grams of cooked chicken oil. [production process] wash and split the flatfish into eight pieces 10 cm long and 2.6 cm wide

  • How to catch the carp just released in the black pit?

    How to catch the carp just released in the black pit?

    Carp is a common fish in China, which not only tastes good, but also has high nutritional value, so many people like to eat it. At present, this kind of fish can be found in many fish ponds and black pits, and 80% of the carps in the black pits are carp. How to catch the carp that has just been released in the black pit?

    2020-11-11 Black Kenggang release carp how fishing yes our country
  • The latest learn to water flowers, do not need to fertilize the same green super strong

    The latest learn to water flowers, do not need to fertilize the same green super strong

    Watering flowers is a very important condition, usually simply watering flowers can only meet the water needs of flowers, can not achieve the effect of fertilization, which is also one of the reasons for the emergence of yellow leaves in our flowers. Fish water. Friends who raise fish at home can use fish.

    2020-11-10 The latest learn give flowers watering no fertilization the same